Roomster is an advanced housing rental site serving all the United States, Canada & the United Kingdom. The Company is not backed by venture capital and is not seeking investors. The company was founded in 2003 by entrepreneurs John S. Shriber (Founder, former Chairman and CEO of, Inc. 1995 - 2003) and Roman Zaks (former Chief Technical Officer of, Inc. 2000 - 2003). Roomster Corp is staffed by a small dedicated team.
Creating a profile on is free. This "Basic Account" allows you to search , post & contact all our members for free. This type of account gives you access to roommates throughout the U.S, Canada & U.K There are thousands of members at all times in most cities. You can hot list members who you like, receive notice of waiting messages to your email address and search using all our proprietary tools. Ask your friends to write you testimonials to add to your profile and to better introduce yourself to the community send interest and emails to anyone you want. This is all included in the Free "Basic Account".
You can disable your "Basic Account" or "Subscription" at anytime. To disable your account and hide your profile from member search results, click the "Edit profile" link then set your "profile status" to "Disabled-hidden from roomster users". To cancel your Subscription, click the "Account" link on the top navigation, then select the "subscription" tab and then click the "cancel my subscription" link.
Creating a profile on is free. This "Basic Account" allows you to search , post & contact all our members for free. This type of account gives you access to roommates throughout the U.S, Canada & U.K There are thousands of members at all times in most cities. You can hot list members who you like, receive notice of waiting messages to your email address and search using all our proprietary tools. Ask your friends to write you testimonials to add to your profile and to better introduce yourself to the community send interest and emails to anyone you want. This is all included in the Free "Basic Account".
You can disable your "Basic Account" or "Subscription" at anytime. To disable your account and hide your profile from member search results, click the "Edit profile" link then set your "profile status" to "Disabled-hidden from roomster users". To cancel your Subscription, click the "Account" link on the top navigation, then select the "subscription" tab and then click the "cancel my subscription" link.